Regulatory Impact Assessment: A Tool for Improved Regulatory Governance in Sri Lanka?

dc.contributor.authorKnight-John, Malathy
dc.description.abstractThe specific research and policy questions being explored in this paper deal with the extent to which regulatory impact assessment (RIA), defined broadly as: “…an information-based analytical approach to assess probable costs, consequences, and side effects of planned policy instruments (laws, regulations, etc.)…[and] to evaluate the real costs and consequences of policy instruments after they have been implemented……a means to inform government choices: choices about policy instruments, about the design of a specific instrument, or about the need to change or discontinue an existing instrument.” (Lee, 2002, p.12 citing SIGMA, 2001, p.10), can usefully be employed in the development of practical regulatory reform strategies and in the pursuit of improved regulatory governance practices in Sri Lanka.en_US
dc.identifier.shortcitationIPS, 2005en_US
dc.subjectSri Lanka, IPS, Political economy, Telecommunications,en_US
dc.titleRegulatory Impact Assessment: A Tool for Improved Regulatory Governance in Sri Lanka?en_US
dc.typeTechnical Reporten_US