The Economics of Tobacco in Sri Lanka

dc.contributor.authorArunatilake, Nisha
dc.contributor.authorOpatha, Maduwanthi
dc.description.abstractThis paper describes trends in tobacco use in Sri Lanka, assesses the economic contribution of the industry (jobs, earnings, tax revenues and trade balance), and analyses the relationship between demand for cigarettes and prices and incomes, looking at different socioeconomic groups. It uses the estimated elasticities to simulate the likely impact of a tax increase on prices, government revenues and on demand, expenditures and tax burdens of different socio- economic groups.en_US
dc.identifier.shortcitationWHO Tobacco Control Papers, 2004
dc.publisherCenter for Tobacco Control Research and Education, UC San Franciscoen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesWHO Tobacco Control Papers, 12;HNP Discussion Paper
dc.subjectSri Lanka, tobacco, tobacco tax, cigarettes, cigarette tax, economics of tobacco, economics of tobacco control, smoking, tobacco policy, price elasticity, demand for cigarettes, prevalence, bidi, cigars, tobacco tax revenues, tobacco industry emplo yment, tobacco industry wages, tobacco farmingen_US
dc.titleThe Economics of Tobacco in Sri Lankaen_US
dc.typeWorking Paperen_US