Second Gamini Corea memorial lecture

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Dr. Gamini Korea in whose honor and memory we are gathered today was a man of outstanding gifts of intellect and character. He had a career of extraordinary achievement. The roll call of this accomplishments is astonishing.At various times he was a secretary-general of UNCTAD ; a chairman of the South Centre in Geneva ; a founding member of the Third World forum ; a permanent secretary of the Ministry of planing and economic affairs ; a senior deputy Governor of the Central Bank ; and Ambassador to the EEC, Belgium, Netherlands and Laxemboary. He was the founder chairman of Marga; a chairman of the institute Policy Studies ; a chancellor of the Open University ; a president of the Sri Lanka Economic Association ; and a member of the National Academy of science. His passion for the economic interests of the Third World transformed the global economic order in many ways some anticipated and others unexpected, yet always beneficial to developing countries
Sri Lanka, Higher education, University industry